Plot Summary For Part One
The film starts off with a wedding, the wedding of the Dons daughter Connie. The Don has loads of visiters and people asking advice from him. Michael, the youngest son of the Don is in the US Marines. He has come back as a war hero and comes to the wedding with his girlfriend Kay Adams. Fredo is the second oldest and moves to Vegas and works in casino's near the end of the film. Sonny is the oldest and can easily be angered and stressed. The Don is out shopping in the market place when he is pursued and shot five times by Solozzo's men who wants him dead. The Don does not die though, he is sent to hospital and survives.

Michael orders the murders of the heads of the Five Families so he can be The Godfather. He does and the film ends there.
The Godfather part one review
I believe the Godfather part one is one of the greatest films ever made. The film has a great cast and the acting is great. The film is violent and some parts are gory and its realistic also. Especially the death scene in the restuerant when Michael shoots Sollozo and the Cop. There isn't much swearing but it still should be a 15 rated film, I dont think it should be an 18 though.
The Godfather Part two
Plot Summary
The Godfather Part two starts off with scenes from Vito Corleones early life. His Brother and Mother is killed by Don Chichio in Sicily. Vito is hidden from him and is migrate to New York in America. There he lives and gets married.
Then the film goes back to the 1950's to Michael Corleone. Michael is now marries to Kay Adams nd has a son. In the night Michael and Kay are attacked by machine gun fire. We find out that Fredo betrayes Michael and

Scenes keep moving backward and forwards to Vito's early years. Vito is fired from his bakery job because Don Fanuchi's nephew takes it. Vito then kills Fanuchi in his house during a Parade. He shoots him in the chest the in the cheek then in the mouth. Vito then becomes more wealthy and becomes a Don. People come to him for advice and pay him.
Then the film goes back to Michael Corleone and he finds out about Hyman Roth and how he betrayed him, and Fredo was helping him.
Review of The Godfather part two
The Godfather part two is my least favourate of the three films. I think the story is weaker than the first and I find parts a bit boring. The thing I do like about it is the scenes about Vito when he's younger. But I dislike the story with Michael Corleone. The special effects are better and more realistic, like Don Fanuchi's death. But I still prefere The Godfather part one to part two. Another reason I dislike part two is that it is set more in the 1950's. I think modernising it a bit more spoils the film in my opinion.
The Godfather part three plot summary
The Godfather part three is set in 1979. Michael is now in his 60s and is feeling tremendous guilt for the things he had done in his past. He has almost retired from his post in the Mafia. His adopted brother Tom Hagen is dead and his old house has been abondened for years. Michael and Kay Adams have been divorced since 1959, he has returned to New York and has two children who are grown up, Anthony and Mary. Michael creates a charity in memory of his late father, the Vito Corleone foundation. 100 000 000 dollars has been raised for the betterment of Sicily. Anthony does not want to join his fathers buissenes but wants to be a singer. Michael is in conflict with Joe Zaza, who has made Little Italy into a slum and is a drug trafficar.
Joe Zaza attempts to assasinate Michael in a helicopter attack along with some other rich mafia people but fails. He escapes and Vincent Mancini (The Dons nephew) helps michael. Vincent wants to marry Mary but isn't allowed. He kills Joe Zaza while Michael is in hospital after a Diabetic stroke. Michael retires and asks Vincent if he would like to become the Don of the Corleone Family, only if he lets Mary go. He agrees and becomes the Don.
At the end of the film michael is nearly killed by an assassin dressed as a monk.
Godfather part three review
Part three is my second favourate of the three films. It has a lot of action in it and is sad near the end. The acting is good also, Andy Garcia as Vincent Manssini does a very good performance. The one thing that I found a bit strange is when the man stabs Luchesi in the throat with his own glasses. It simply would not be possible. If the glasses were metal it might be possible but still you would need to apply a lot of force to penatrate the throte with plastic or blunt metal. But, Hey! Its the movies! Anything's possible!

So, believe The Godfather Films are the greatest films ever made. They are exiting, violent and very well made bt the director Francis Ford Coppola. If you havn't watched the films, I suggest you do.
To watch the Coppola Restoration Godfather Trilogy trailer click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIL7RR8pssQ
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